A taste of the season

Years ago, in the eighties, when I was a kid, one of my clearest memories of autumn was the apple nut muffins we used to get at Indian Ladder Farms in Altamont, NY. My mom used to bring some home in a small white paper bag, and we’d enjoy them for days after a visit.

Indian Ladder
Indian Ladder Farms, Altamont, NY

Fast-forward to a few years ago (2014? 2015?). I went back to Indian Ladder Farms, and, not seeing any apple nut muffins available at their bakery section in the farm store, I inquired about them (lots of apple cider donuts. No muffins.). Quizzical looks greeted my query. So I gave up, bought a few other things, and headed home.

It’s that time of year again when I really would love an apple nut muffin. I tried googling “Indian Ladder Farms apple nut muffin”, but the internet has no trace of these baked delights I remember. It does, however, have recipes. It turns out that the apple nut muffin is the official muffin of New York State, with a recipe created by schoolchildren in North Syracuse.

I have great plans for making these muffins next week. But I noticed something interesting. The date they became the official muffin of New York State? 1987. So the muffins I remember may have been to celebrate apple nut muffins becoming the official muffin of New York.

And who are you?

Last week I went to the Altamont Fair, so this week I’ll be posting photos from the fair…. SO MUCH FUN. SO MUCH FRIED FOOD. And I even went up on the Ferris wheel. Of course the ride finished just as I was starting to get used to going up that high- next time I’ll just have to go again!

Today: in the sheep barn….

Who are you