Spring stirring

two purple crocus flowers in grass

The first crocuses have appeared in my yard, along with the first robin, and some additional bird activity- for the first time at least one of my three birdhouses appears to be occupied by feathered friends, and the goldfinches that frequent our finch feeders are turning brighter every time I see them. The forsythia has yellow buds, and best of all- one of our daffodils just started blooming.

Robin walking across a lawn in front of two shrubs
First robin
A daffodil flower blooms in front of a fence
First daffodil


Planting seeds… (both literally and figuratively)

Planting seeds, figuratively

My mother had sent me the link to BookCrossing a few weeks ago, and though I looked at it and thought it was a brilliant idea, I didn’t really have a chance at the time to get too involved. A few weeks later, with World Book Day rapidly approaching on the 4th of March, and after another mention of it I looked at it again. It’s an idea I love – combining sharing a love of reading with a sort of message-in-a-bottle project. Fantastic. So I registered three books (so far!) and made a little foray into town this afternoon to “release them into the wild” (great concept, that). I decided to leave one at Pearse St. DART station, one at Connolly and one over at Bus Aras. The trick, though, is to leave a book subtlely without someone picking it up and asking you if you’ve forgotten it. Pearse was easy enough – waited for the DART with the book out, as though reading it, then when the DART was pulling into the station popped it onto the seat behind me and got onto the train. Similar tricks at Connolly (which was the most challenging – many people passing on their way to the DART platforms) and Bus Aras, and my books had been released into the wild! Almost felt like I was getting away with something each time I successfully dropped one off… 🙂 I’m very much looking forward to seeing where they end up, eventually…

Planting seeds, literally

In the last couple of weeks I had bought a couple of packets of seeds – Morning Glorys and Lavender – so this evening I planted them in my egg carton “seed tray” contraption (one egg carton, one layer of cling film, then a second egg carton stacked on top. Soil and seeds in top egg carton, then cling film over the top of the whole contraption). Eventually, I hope to have lavender and morning glorys in the back garden, attracting loads of butterflies….

It’s nice to do a few simple, fun things that will bring future happiness as well…